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Consultation and Guest Lectures are Available

Dear, Students and Faculty, Staff, if you’re interested to have more awareness on this Alternative Medicine, we will have a session with professional.

Father of Homeopathy

The father of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who grew up in Meissen in Germany, received his medical degree in Erlangen in 1779. He received the Gold Medal for Allopathy Medicine. During his practice as a Physician Hahnemann struggled desperately to make a livingHahnemann struggled desperately to make a living. One day, however, he made a discovery. He started to take regular doses of cinchona or ‘the bark’ (i.e. quinine). This, he said, produced all the symptoms of intermittent fever (malaria) but to a mild degree and without the characteristic rigors of that disease. This led Hahnemann to an idea which was published in 1796 as Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Power of Drugs, which was followed in 1810 by his famous work The Organon of the Healing Art.

Holistic Healthcare remains a very big attraction. Best of the doctors are moving towards homeopathy. There's a mood for Holistic Healthcare. There's a mood to go toward stress free life from a stressful life.

-Narendra Modi

Hahnemann believed that if a patient had an illness, it could be cured by giving medicine which, if given to a healthy person, would produce similar symptoms of that same illness but to a slighter degree. Thus, if a patient was suffering from severe nausea, he was given a medicine which in a healthy person would provoke mild nausea. By a process he called ‘proving’, Hahnemann claimed to be able to compile a selection of appropriate remedies. This led to his famous aphorism, ‘like cures like’, which is often called the ‘principle of similar’; and he cited Jenner’s use of cowpox vaccination to prevent smallpox as an example.

“Similia Similibus Curantur” a Latin homeopathy concept explains that likes are to be treated by likes (in other words Homeopathy is a method of curing the sufferings of a person by the administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar sufferings in a healthy human being, it is a specialized system of drug therapy and nothing more or nothing less).

In this way, Hahnemann spent all this time proving medicines on himself and some of his colleagues and friends, as a chemist he developed dynamization of medicines, in the first phase he proved 90+ drugs and practicing homeopathy in his own way.

While practicing homeopathy he found difficulties in treating diseases, Hahnemann started reading books and found miasms- Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, and Tubercular and declared that these are hazardous medicines they are metals, chemicals, etc.

All these observations he put in materia medica pura and chronic diseases as well as he writes principles of homeopathy i.e “Organon of Medicine” in which he write about doctor qualities, Employment of drugs, regimen to sick, the selection of drugs, where to repeat drugs and more. As per Dr. P.V. Gopala Rao the shishya of Dr. N.M Choudary, a system which is completely written by Dr.  Hahnemann, even after 300 years no one on earth tried to induce the same in the system of medicine. At the same time, Dr. P.B.Gopala Rao stressed about homeopathy principles or nearer to the “Indian Philosophy” and also called Dr. Hahnemann a “Sage Scientist”. Generations called it as “Art of Healing”.

As per Vedas, the medicine is a treat to mind and body with small doses, therefore Homeopathy is known as the “Art of Healing”.

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