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Basics of Meditation

An in-depth introductory course to help you establish your own meditation practice.

why meditate?

  • Meditation brings peace of mind and happiness.

  • Meditation sharpens the mind and improves memory and concentration.

  • Meditation is an energy booster and a stress buster!

What will you learn?

  • How to set up your own meditation practice at home

  • Breathing techniques – anuloma viloma and kapalabhati

  • Concentration practices – tratak, mantra japa,

  • Maintaining a Spiritual Diary – to record your progress

  • Guidance on continuing your practice beyond the course

A unique mind leads to negativity–stress, anxiety, disturbed relationships, and general unhappiness. Meditation helps you break this cycle and live a peaceful and positive life.

Short Term and Long Term Concentration and Meditation Programs

Practices of Concentration

Preliminaries for meditation

Practice of Meditation

Physical Obstacles in Meditation

Mental Obstacles in Meditation

Program Benifits

  • Reduce stress

  • Increase Focus

  • Improve Emotional Intelligence

  • Improve Empathy

  • Increase Resilience

  • Improve Physical and emotional Wellbeing

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